
Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HC

Description: RailroadTreasures offers the following item: Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HC Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads by David F Myrick Hard cover Inside front cover, upper left edge has sticker remains Copyright 1963 Pages 455-933. Indexed by David F. Myrick Continuing in the same spirit of meticulous research, Volume II - The Southern Roads, expands the railroad history of Nevada set forth in Volume I - The Northern Roads. Again, this volume is as much a history of the region as it is a railroad book. No economic record of the area has been written since the 1880s with the exception of the tales of a few mining camps. RAILROADS OF NEVADA recreates the vigorous times of Bonanza at the principal mines and mills along with the adventuresome personalities who activated them. Railroad development mostly paralleled the eras of mining prosperity, excepting some roads built to service towns and industries which today are merely ghosts. The varied and spectacular geography of Southern Nevada and Eastern California - from Death Valley and the Mojave Desert to the hard rock tunnels of Goldfield and the isolated communities of Rhyolite and Pioche - makes for a dramatic railroad story. An intelligent and useful INDEX to both volumes is included herein along with Rosters of motive power, and an abundance of maps to orient you to the location of the more than 30 roads. There are over 500 extremely rare photographs. A reader could well use this hook as a reliable and accurate travel guide today when he wanders among the ghost towns of the past. The author has succeeded again in ferreting out much information and pictorial material which has not been available before. This gift is peculiarly his, along with a passion for accuracy peculiar to the true historian. Here is another de luxe presentation by Howell-North Books, one that will bring pride and pleasure to the person whose library it will grace. PREFACE. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH RAILROAD . The Gold Roads - Discovery of gold at Bullfrog, 1904 - Montgomery-Shoshone mine -Founding of Rhyolite - Senator Clark's early survey - Borax Smith incorporates Tonopah & Tidewater, starts work at Las Vegas - Discouraged by Clark, Smith sells out and moves to Ludlow - Life in Rhyolite - J. Ross Clark begins construction of LV&T at Las Vegas - First train to Indian Springs - LV&T obtains right of way through Gold Center, Beatty and Rhyolite - Mining and town lot excitement - Transvaal - First train to Gold Center - Celebration at Beatty - Tracks reach Rhyolite - Construction to Goldfield - Goldfield banking situation - Passenger service - Operating problems - Abandonment and sale of Beatty-Goldfield line to Bullfrog Goldfield R.R.U. S. Railroad Administration - Final abandonment in 1918. BULLFROG GOLDFIELD RAILROAD . Purpose of railroad - Bullfrog Syndicate financing problems - Construction begins - Doubt as to exact point of beginning - Delays in construction - Completed to Beatty -Celebration - Pushed on to Rhyolite - Conditions at Rhyolite - Springdale mail order bride - Pioneer - Operating and financial difficulties - T&T takes over - Purchases part of LV&T from Goldfield to Beatty - Rhyolite branch abandoned - Threatened abandonment of entire line in 1919 - T&T agrees to operate BG RR - Second fire at Goldfield -Traffic continues to shrink - Entire line abandoned in 1928. LIDA VALLEY RAILROAD536 Naming of Lida - Proposed railroads to Lida and Hornsilver (Gold Point) - Lida Valley Railroad incorporated and surveyed - Project abandoned before grading began. BONNIE CLAIRE AND UBEHEBE . .. . . 539 Mines at nearby Gold Mountain - Proposed railroads to Gold Mountain - Short branch built by LV&T - Ubehebe Mining District - Proposed railroad of Ubehebe Copper Mines & Smelter Company - Panic of 1907 halts project - Bonnie Clare and Gold Mountain Railroad incorporated but no construction takes place. TONOPAH AND TIDEWATER RAILROAD .. 544 Terrors of Death Valley - Early borax mining - Borax Smith acquires Lila C. mine - Pacific Coast Borax Company formed - Unsuccessful traction engine - T&T incorporated - Work begins at Las Vegas on railroad to Lila C. - After difficulties with Clark, Smith moves to Ludlow to begin again - Rails reach Silver Lake - Stage to Crackerjack - Year required to build the 12 miles through Amargosa Canyon - Trains operate to Sperry, then Tecopa, later Zabriskie - Construction ends when rails reach Gold Center - Trackage rights to Rhyolite over BG RR - Dismal financial picture - Takes over operation of BG RR - Life and times at Ludlow and along The railroad - Lila C. Railroad - Borax mines shut down at Ryan, traffic reduced - Abandonment Ludlow-Crucero -Entire abandonment, 1940 - Rails removed, 1942-43. TECOPA RAILROAD COMPANY . .. 593 Early mining activity at Resting Springs - Gunsight and Noonday mines acquired by Tecopa Consolidated Mining Company - Tecopa Railroad built - Mine and railroad become dormant - Tracks removed. GREENWATER . . . . . . . . . . 597 Greenwater copper mine promotion - Early prospecting and development - Transportation routes to Greenwater - Proposed railroads to Greenwater - Collapse of Green-water boom and desertion of the camp. AMERICAN CARRARA MARBLE COMPANY . . Opening of marble quarry - Carrara Townsite Day - Cable railroad built - Electric service halted - Quarry closed. .604 DEATH VALLEY RAILROAD . . Exhaustion of Lila C. at (old) Ryan - Operations moved to Biddy McCarty mine at (new) Ryan - T&T denied authority for extension - Death Valley Railroad formed - Narrow gauge railroad built - Baby Gauge Railroad operates to Widow mine - Extension built to clay pits at Ash Meadows - Discovery of borax at Boron - Subsequent development at Boron and shutting down Ryan. 608 THE SALT LAKE ROUTE . . Early Union Pacific plans to build from Salt Lake City to Southern California - UP subsidiary grades line from Milford to Pioche in 1890 - Rail laying halted after a few miles - Project abandoned with Panic of 1893 - Utah and Pacific formed, builds from Milford to Uvada in 1899 - Senator Clark buys Los Angeles Terminal Ry. as nucleus of railroad to Salt Lake City - Clark forms San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake RR (Salt Lake Route) - Harriman of Union Pacific opposes Clark's plans - Clark-Harriman War, April 1901 - Litigation between both parties - Both forces grading railroad - Work halted, unannounced truce followed by negotiations - Clark sells half interest to UP - Work resumed on east and west sections after 19 months of inactivity - Early Las Vegas - Rails joined and line opened - Location of meeting of rails - Washouts: 1905; in Meadow Valley 1906, 1907, 1910 - Line reopened June 1910 after nearly six months - High Line built, 1912 - St. Thomas branch - UP acquires full ownership - Oil found on Terminal Island. .622 PIOCHE AND ITS RAILROADS . Early mineral discoveries - Pioche founded - Mining boom - Life in Pioche - Railroads to outside world projected - Description of Bullionville - Pioche and Bullionville (Central Nevada-Nevada Central) constructed - Slump in mining - Railroad abandoned - Pioche Pacific Transportation Company (Jackrabbit Railroad) built to Royal City (Jackrabbit) - Revival of mining at Pioche, followed by dull times - Delamar (708) - Discovery - Various names: Monkey Wrench, Ferguson, Helene, etc. - Mining development and production - Mines sold to Capt. De Lamar, resold to Bamberger - End of mining at Delamar - Caliente & Pioche RR (UP) builds to Pioche (713) - Prince Consolidated RR built to Prince Mine - Difficult times at Pioche and Bristol -Prince Mine - Virginia Louise litigation - Gemmill & Squires take over Prince Mine - Combined Metals, Inc. (E. H. Snyder) operates mines at Pioche - Pioche Mines Company - Bristol Silver Mines Company acquires Jackrabbit branch of Pioche Pacific -Slowdown with depression of early 1930's - Mines reopened at Pioche, Prince and Bristol - Attempts to abandon Hill Line of Pioche Pacific finally realized - Development of Caselton Shaft - UP rehabilitates Prince RR - Caselton Mill built - Jackrabbit branch abandoned - Situation since 1957. .684 SIX COMPANIES, INC. . Colorado River overflows its banks - U. S. Bureau of Reclamation studies dam sites along river - Black Canyon selected - Dam construction authorized by Congress - Three railroads planned - Union Pacific builds branch to Boulder City - U. S. Government Construction RR completed to Himix - Six Companies RR: Lawler to Gravel Plant, then across Colorado River to Arizona Gravel Deposits, Gravel Plant to Lomix (Canyon Railroad) - Operations of railroad and completion of Hoover Dam - Abandonment of Six Companies RR and U. S. Government Construction RR. YELLOW PINE MINING COMPANY . Potosi, early development - Mule powered tramway - Empire Zinc Company - Good-springs, founding and early mining activity - Formation of Yellow Pine Mining Company - Construction of narrow gauge from Jean to Goodsprings - Boom times at Goodsprings - Opening of Fayle Hotel - Jesse Knight heads Yellow Pine Mining Company - Mine shuts down, railroad abandoned. Salt Lake Route - Supplemental Lines (760) : Salt Lake Route spur to limestone quarry at Baxter - Arden Plaster Company narrow gauge railroad to its gypsum mine - Blue Diamond branch of Salt Lake Route - Las Vegas spurs - Caliente Ballast Pit spur. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD. Mojave Desert description - Congressional authority given A&P and Southern Pacific RR to build railroad from Missouri to San Francisco - A&P taken over by St. Louis and San Francisco - Santa Fe joins SL&SF in construction of western division of A&P - Lines of SP RR reach Mojave and Los Angeles - SP RR builds from Mojave to The Needles to connect with A&P - Colorado River Bridge problems - Monoghan & Murphy store - SP turns over Mojave-Needles line to A&P - More trouble with Colorado River - New bridge of 1890 at Topock - Life along the line - Bagdad, Newberry Springs - A&P conveyed to Santa Fe - Santa Fe and SP trade lines - New Colorado River Bridge, 1945 - Cadiz-Parker line - Scotty's Coyote Special - Famous trains. .793 RANDSBURG RAILWAY COMPANY .. Discoveries at Goler Canyon, followed by Yellow Aster Mine in Rand Mountains - Randsburg Railway formed by New York men - Built from Kramer to Johannesburg - Suspected to be part of Vanderbilt coast to coast scheme - Ore shipped to mill at Barstow - Line sold to Santa Fe - Dull times - Discovery and excitement of Kelly Mine u :17 17 0] ;. 1 QZZ .798 TRONA RAILWAY COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . . . Borax found at Searles Lake - Subsequent development of deposits - Survey by Raymond Ashton for railroad - Trona Railway formed and built from Searles to Trona - First excursion - Operations - Expansion of American Potash & Chemical Corporation. .808 EPSOM SALTS RAILROAD ( MONORAIL) . . Thomas Wright locates epsom salts in Owlshead Mountains - Monorail considered answer to transportation needs - American Magnesium Company formed - Description of track and equipment - Problems of operation - Poor results of mine and from monorail - Abandonment..814 CALICO AND ITS SILVER RAILROAD . . . . . . . . . Early silver discoveries - Town of Calico settled - Life in Calico - Discovery of borax - Description of Main Street - Daggett & Calico RR organized but not built - Oro Grande Mining Company builds narrow gauge from Waterloo Mine to mill at Mojave River, then sells out to Waterloo Mining Company - Slump in silver prices in 1890's closes mines - Later mining operations - Restoration of Calico as tourist attraction - Calico & Odessa RR in operation. .823 BORATE & DAGGETT RAILROAD. .. Operations of Pacific Coast Borax Company at Borate - Steam traction engine used - Narrow gauge built from Borate to Daggett - Mines become too expensive to operate - PCB Co. moves operations to Lila C. near Death Valley - Railroad dismantled. Western Mineral Company's railroad - Boric 'acid produced by W. P. Bartlett - Mule powered short line. Columbia Mine railroad - American Borax Company built narrow gauge from Columbia Mine to Daggett - Operations - Mill and railroad moved to Tick Canyon. .827 LUDLOW AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY . . Rochester (Buckeye) Mining District dates back to 1880's - Organization and construction of Ludlow and Southern Railway - Life in Camp Rochester (Stagg P.O.) - Mother Preston at Ludlow - Ludlow and Southern equipment - Acquisition by Pacific Mines Corporation - Subsequent owners - Mine closed down - Round house fire -Rails torn up. AMBOY-SALTUS . Amboy-Bristol Lake - Gypsum - Pacific Cement Plaster Company builds mill and narrow gauge railroad at Amboy - Relocation of mill and trackage - Plant closed down in 1924 - Saltus-Bristol Lake - Quarrying salt - Construction of railroad - Operations by California Salt Company. NEVADA SOUTHERN RAILWAY . . Isaac C. Blake builds mill at Needles - Proposes to build Nevada Southern Railway north from Goffs to Goodsprings and Pioche - Built to Manvel (Barnwell) , construction stopped - Discovery and description of Vanderbilt - Slump follows boom at Vanderbilt - Nevada Southern goes into bankruptcy to emerge as California Eastern Railway - California Eastern pushes line down to Ivanpah - Santa Fe acquires California Eastern - Operations - Abandonment. .841 SEARCHLIGHT AND ITS RAILROADS . Naming of town - Quartette Mining Company builds 16-mile narrow gauge railroad from mine to mill at Colorado River - Boom at Searchlight - Railroad operations - Mill moved to mine, railroad becomes unnecessary and is abandoned - Searchlight and Northern Railroad surveys route to Salt Lake Route - Santa Fe forms Barnwell & Searchlight Railway to build to Searchlight - Manpower problems - Terminal on property of Searchlight Townsite Company - Railroad Days celebration - Serious washouts and abandonment. .848 MOHAVE AND MILLTOWN RAILWAY . . Leland group of gold mines sold to Mount Mohave Gold Mining Company - Proposed railroads - Mohave and Milltown Railway incorporated - Colorado River ferry franchise secured - Needles, Arizona, description - Railroad built as narrow gauge to Leland Mine - Operations - Severe washouts, operations cease. .854 MOJAVE NORTHERN RAILROAD . Gold and silver found near Oro Grande in early days - Pioneer limestone quarries in California - Golden State Portland Cement Company builds mill at Oro Grande - Connecting railroad built to quarries - Mrs. E. M. Potts - Company absorbed by Riverside Portland Cement Company - Mill closed in 1928 and railroad operations ceased. Southwestern Portland Cement Company plant developed at Leon, near Victorville (864) - Mojave Northern Railroad built to quarries at Powell - Passenger business limited - Spur built to No. 12 Quarry in 1939 - New qualTies on Black Mountain - Branch built to Bell Mountain - Rails extended to Reserve Quarry on Black Mountain in 1951. Other railroads in area - Proposed San Bernardino Mountain Railroad - Adelanto spur - AT&SF Cushenberry branch. .857 RENO STREETCAR LINES Proposals of 1889 - Other proposals: Reno Electric Railway and Land Company, Nevada Power and Transportation Company and Reno Suburban Railway Company - Streetcar connection desired with new SP shops at Sparks - O'Sullivan wins franchise, forms Reno Transit Company and Washoe County Traction Company - Little work done - Franchise passes into other hands, then project abandoned - Dr. Reid and associates form Nevada Transit Company - Construction begins - First streetcar in Nevada operated November 20, 1904 - Extensions on Virginia Street, Reno, to Truckee River, then to Pine Street - Second Street line built - Property sold and renamed Reno Traction Company - Captain Hopkins' proposed line to Steamboat Springs - V&T talks of partial electrification - Nevada Interurban Railway formed to build to Moana Springs (872) - Line completed November 1907 - Riverside Railroad Company proposes line to Lawton Springs - Some construction but road never completed - Other proposed lines - Reno Traction line to University - "Streetcar War" - Moana Springs description - Operating problems - Traction Company builds line down Wells Street - Temporary line to Fair Grounds - Abandonment of local lines in Reno 1920 - Abandonment of Nevada Interurban 1920 - Efforts made to improve Reno-Sparks service - Reno terminal moved in 1925 - Bus competition forces abandonment of Reno Traction Company - Last car September 7, 1927. .866 ROSTER OF LOCOMOTIVES . .884 INDEX to Volumes I and II . . All pictures are of the actual item. If this is a railroad item, this material is obsolete and no longer in use by the railroad. Please email with questions. Publishers of Train Shed Cyclopedias and Stephans Railroad Directories. Large inventory of railroad books and magazines. Thank you for buying from us. Shipping charges Postage rates quoted are for shipments to the US only. Ebay Global shipping charges are shown. These items are shipped to Kentucky and then ebay ships them to you. Ebay collects the shipping and customs / import fees. For direct postage rates to these countries, send me an email. Shipping to Canada and other countries varies by weight. Payment options Payment must be received within 10 days. Paypal is accepted. Terms and conditions All sales are final. Returns accepted if item is not as described. Contact us first. No warranty is stated or implied. Please e-mail us with any questions before bidding. Thanks for looking at our items.

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Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HCRailroads of Nevada and Eastern California Vol 2 The Southern Roads D Myrick HC

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